Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Most of you need to educate yourselves...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 9:26pm
...on Parliament Funkadelic, the most important and best funk band in the history of music, and one of the most important bands period. The band displayed so much talent in their recordings and live performances. It's the collaboration of 2 bands, Parliament and Funkadelic, consisting of the same members but recording on different labels. They were headed up by George Clinton and finally decided to just combine the names. The result was the best and funkiest band ever, and some of the most dynamic and INSANELY entertaining live performances in music history.

This video is an have to watch the whole thing. This was during their Mothership Connection tour....they bring the Mothership down on stage at the end, so you HAVE to watch it all the way through....because you have to see who comes down along with the Mothership, standing there in all his badass, influential glory. The Lord of Funk.

I see The Mothership comin!

Bootsy Collins!

Friday, February 6, 2009

For Children of the 90's....

Friday, February 6, 2009 at 12:39pm
K, so I saw this bulletin on myface....or was it spacebook...I don't know. Anyways, I actually thought it was pretty cool and it reminded me of all this cool stuff all the cool kids used to do in the 90's. So this is for 90's kids only, meaning you had to be born like at least before 92 or 91, so you can actually REMEMBER this stuff. I say the cutoff age is like 17. If anybody older wants to write stuff, they're more than welcome to, since they can remember how weird some of this stuff was.

I'm gonna paste a lot of what was mentioned on that note, and also some of the stuff I added.

(Post your birthyear and a list of stuff you remember)

You remember watching
-Kenan and Kel
-Ren & Stimpy
-Pinky and the Brain
-AAAAAAAH Real Monsters!
-Rockos modern Life
-Hey Arnold
-Out of the Box
-Step by Step
-Family Matters
-Dinosaurs (that show was CRAZY!!!)
-Boy Meets World

You’ve ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE!"

You just cant resist finishing this . . . "In west Philadelphia born and raised..."

You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.

You remember reading Goosebumps

When everything was settled by:
-rock paper scissors
-bubble gum bubble gum in a dish
-miss mary mack

When kick ball was something you did everyday!!

You used to listen to the radio all day long just to record your FAVORITE song of ALL time on a tape.

You remember Super Nintendos and Sega Genisis

You remember The Original Game Boy...

You always wanted to send in a tape to America’s Funniest Home Videos... but never taped anything funny.

(And this was when Bob Saget hosted, and it was so hilarious and weird!! That lame, terrible, boring, not funny loser who hosts it now can drop dead.)

You remember watching:
-The Magic School Bus
-Reading Rainbow

You remember when Yo-Yos were cool

(Really, really cool....they were like a huge fad, and you were NOT cool if you didn't have one that at least lit up....what were those ones called that you could see through that were all geary and crazy that were like the coolest ones??)

You remember Where’s Waldo books.

You remember eating Warheads and Splashers Gum

You remember watching:
-the Batman cartoon (with the Joker voiced over by Mark Hamil!!)
-Ninja Turtles
-Ghost busters

You remember Ring Pops!!!

If you remember when everything was "da BOMB!"

You remember boom boxes .vs. cd players.

You made those little paper fortune cookie things, and then predicted your life with them

You played and/or collected Pogs (HELL YEAH!!)

You had at least one Tamagotchi, GigaPet, or Nanopet and brought it everywhere you went.

You watched the original cartoons of
-Wild Thornberry’s
-Power Rangers
-Rocket Power.

All your school supplies were "Lisa Frank" brand

You collected Beanie Babies.

(And I must add, everyone and their dog did, and freaked the hell out when they didn't get the one they wanted at the store, if you had the nerves to go there)

You had or collected:
-Pokemon cards
-Coins with the states on them
-Silver dollars, which were cool to have

When everyone watched the WB.

When everybody knew all the pokemon by heart.

If you even know what an original walkman is..

You know the Macarena by heart.

"Talk to the hand" . . .enough said.

You went to McDonald’s to play in the playplace, before the MySpace frenzy . .

When light up sneakers were really, really cool.

(Dude...they still are. They still are. I've been trying to find a pair my size)

When you rented VHS tapes, not DVDs
When gas was $0.95 a gallon.

When we recorded stuff on VCR
You had slap bracelets!
You Actually played outside until it was dark!

Here's the ones that I'm adding, even though I added some on this list already.

Blake Talley, born in 1988.

Space Ghost Coast to Coast (when it was still on the air)
Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?
All That!

You had at least one of the Jock Jams series of CD's.

You remember watching Star Trek TNG or Voyager like every night and your dad or mom actually recorded them on VHS, so your memories of those shows have snippets of commercial interruptions.

Okay...I remember wearing backwards pants at a party or two when I was real little because of Kriss Kross!

You played the original Jurassic Park game where you were Grant and all tiny, it was topdown, all you had for a while was a zapper, and it went into first person mode when you went inside. ULTRA hard game.

You played the even cooler Jurassic Park game which was a sidescroller where you could be Grant OR a raptor. Badass!!

You played "The Incredible Machine" on PC. What an awesome game.

You played "The Lost mind of Dr. Brain".

You played Chip's Challenge during typing class in middle school and minimized every time the teacher walked by. Haha!

If you are ESPECIALLY cool, like one of the really special cool kids, then you played Monkey Island I, II, and III, Fate of Atlantis, Maniac Mansion, Day of the Tentacle, Loom, Sam and Max, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, or Full Throttle. But this is reserved for only the really, really cool people. I'm pretty sure of the people I tagged, this includes my brother, Matt Stickley, and Casey.....possibly Bryon. I hope you played them! If not, you're missing a huge chunk of your life. Seriously.

You played Primal Rage!!!!!

You played Marvel vs. Capcom at a pizza place.

You played Sunset Riders at the Roller Rink! Haha!

You played anything at the Roller Rink! I remember a Captain America game.

You played Metal Slug! The most badass game ever.

(If you live in Amarillo) you remember Buffalo Nickel and how AWESOME it was....EVERY GAME....A FREAKIN NICKEL!!!!!!!!!!!

Half Life changed your life forever.
You played the original Team Fortress, or Team Fortress Classic, or any mod of the original, amazing Half Life, and I'm only talking PC gamers here. Piss off, all you playstationers. That's no way to play an FPS. And I mean it.

You remember Bernstein Bears!

And Gushers!!! And who else remembers Dunkaroos other than me? They were amazing.
Or those pencils that were the wrong color, just to be weird....what were those called?

You watched the movies and cartoons of Ghostbusters and The Mask!

You remember And Push Pops, Skip It's, and Bop It's!!

You played the coolest computer games ever on 3 and a half floppies, or even the ORIGINAL, huge floppy disks. (I think Floppy disk is spelled with a k, and cd disc is spelled with a C. I think I just realised that.)

On those floppies, you played:

Commander Keen (amazing, amazing game)
Halloween Harry (soooo freaking cool)
Alien Carnage (More Halloween Harry)
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure (totally, totally rad, beautiful game)
The original Duke Nukem sidescrollers (one and two were freaking sweet, and better than the FPS's, I think)


So add what you remember here, and also add what you still DO, no matter how embarassing.

I still play a bunch of Lucasarts games on my SCUMMvm emulators both on PC and Mac, I still play the old Half Life mods when I can, especially the amazing Natural Selection 3rd party mod, I still play (real and emulated) Genesis, SNES, NES, Metal Slug, Primal Rage, Jurassic Park, Aladdin, I still eat Dunkaroos when I can order them from Canada, I still eat Gushers all the time, I still watch VHS, I still watch Space Ghost daily, I still watch TNG a TON, and I still listen to Europop by Eiffel 65, and some of the hip hop songs from Jock Jams.
"You're bringin' me down, man!!"